You may encounter some errors when you import a template on Le New Black. Please find below the explanation of these errors and how to solve them.
- First row contains unknown labels
- Products import errors
- Retailers import errors
- Prices import errors
First row contains unknown labels
Eg: Submitting your..., , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , or a list of unknown characters.
It means that the format of your Excel file is not correct. The first solution is to remove all the other Excel sheets: Instructions, Fields description... to only keep one Excel sheet called Template (either basic or full).
If you still encounter an error with unknown characters, you need to open a new Excel file, copy and paste the data (in value) from the template to the new Excel file and save it as .CSV (semi-colon) or .XLSX then start again to upload the file.
Products import errors
- Line not found: if you decide to use lines for your collections, first, you need to create your lines before the products import. Please read here how to create a line.
- Missing Name: the name is missing and it's a mandatory information to create a product.
- Missing Category: the category's name is mandatory to create a collection and a product. A product cannot be visible without a category.
- Missing Fabric name: the fabric name is missing and it’s a mandatory information to create a product.
- Missing Reference: the reference is missing and it’s a mandatory information to create a product. If you don't have reference, you may use the following format eg. MODEL-FABRICNAME.
- Variant duplicate for product: you cannot have the same Fabric name under the same model, a Fabric name is unique under a same model. Fabric name = color. If the material is different, you may include the material in the Fabric name, eg. Black becomes Black Denim or precise the different shade eg. Light Black.
- Variant sizing mismatch / Variant sizes do not match product sizes: it means you created a new variant from a product that has a different sizing than the other variant. Eg, the color black has S, M, L sizing and you added a white color with XS, S, M, L. It is not possible to have different sizing between variants of a same model. You need either to update the sizing or use the same sizing for the new variant in your file.
- Sizing not found: the sizing doesn’t exist on your showroom. You may create by following this tutorial and try again the import once it’s created.
- Size duplicate: the product's color and size is duplicated on your file, please correct the duplicate or remove the duplicate lines.
- Forbidden sizing update / Sizing cannot be updated for this product: this product already exists on your showroom with a different sizing. A same model/product cannot have different sizings between seasons. It means, you need first to update its sizing to import your products file.
- EAN/SKU duplicate: it's not possible to have duplicate EAN/SKU on several variants of product. A EAN/SKU is unique per model/variant/size.
- EAN13 already exists / EAN13 cannot be moved and was ignored: it means the EAN code already exist on your showroom on another variant. It's not possible to have the same EAN code on another variant from an Excel file. You need first to remove the EAN code on your showroom to be able to upload again the EAN code on the correct variant.
- Data dependancies import / Inventory create: it means the EAN code already exist on your showroom on another variant. It's not possible to have the same EAN code on another variant from an Excel file. You need first to remove the EAN code on your showroom to be able to upload again the EAN code on the correct variant.
Retailers import errors
- Price catalog not found: the price list name/code doesn't exist on your showroom, you may go on the menu Collections > Price lists to copy and paste the exact same name or code of the price list existing on the showroom.
- Country not found: the country needs to be written in ISO code (Alpha-2), eg: France = FR. Please find here the list of all ISO codes per country.
- Invalid Contact email: the email address format is not correct. You cannot have two emails in one cell. If you have several buyers emails for the same retailer, you need to copy and paste the whole retailer's line and only change the information of the Contact email column.
- Buyer duplicate: the buyer is duplicated on your file. Please correct the duplicate or remove the duplicate lines.
- Contact email not found: the buyer email is empty in the file.
- First row contains unknown labels: Contact type, Carried brands, Store type, Delivery contact, Delivery e-mail, Delivery tel, Delivery address 1, Delivery address 2, Delivery zipcode, Delivery city, Delivery country, Delivery reference, Total orders, Total amount, Ordered seasons: if you exported your retailers data from the showroom to update in bulk several information, you will encounter this error because some columns can be exported but not imported back so you may delete all these columns to proceed with the integration.
If you need to update delivery address information, please download the template by going on the settings wheel > Integration center > Imports column > Customers > Retailers delivery addresses.
If you need to update the Contact group information, you rename the column Contact type as Contact group and use the following values: 1 = Customer, 2 = Former, 3 = Prospect, 4 = Contact, 5 = Retail, 6 = Press and 7 = Staff.
Prices import
- Price catalog not found: the price list name/code doesn't exist on your showroom, you may go on the menu Collections > Price lists to copy and paste the exact same name or code of the price list existing on the showroom.
- Model not found: the model doesn't exist on your showroom.
- Variant not found: the variant doesn't exist on the model, please check that the variant has been created on the model or that the name/code is correct. If it is correct, please check that you used the correct Fabric identifier (Name or Code) on the Prices import page before proceeding to the import.
- Duplicate variant: the variant is duplicated on your file, we only update the first line and ignore the duplicate. You may either delete or correct the duplicate line on your file.
Attention: the columns Price and Retail price, please set the column format as Number. Otherwise, the prices will not be shown correctly on the showroom.
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