The Season over season reports help you analyse the revenue by category, customer or country between two seasons.
Season over season by category
The Season over season by category report gives you a comparison and evolution of a category's revenue between two seasons. A chart version of this analysis is available by clicking on the chart icon on the top right under the Filters button.
Please note that this report will exclude the orders with no Order collection/catalog attached.
To access the Season over season by category report, follow the instructions below:
- Navigate to the Reports menu > Sales reports
- Navigate to the Sales insights tab
- Click on Categories under the Season over season section
Season over season by customer and country
The Season over season by customer report compares turnover per customer from one season to another. A chart version of this analysis is available by clicking on the chart icon on the top right under the Filters button.
You may access to the analysis per country by clicking on DELIVERY COUNTRIES under Evolution by season and customer.
Please note that this report will exclude the orders with no Order collection/catalog attached.
To access the Season over season by customer report, follow the instructions below:
- Navigate to the Reports menu > Sales reports
- Navigate to the Sales insights tab
- Click on Customers under the Season over season section
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