Product insights give you a quick analysis through different reports focusing on a specific collection/catalog during your sales season.
The overview allows you to access quickly to each product insights report sorted by collections/catalogs. Please note that only the collections/catalogs in the following status can be displayed in the sales insights: View & Order, View only and Closed.
To access the Overview, follow the steps below:
- Navigate to the Reports menu > Sales reports
- Navigate to the Sales insights tab
- Click on Overview under the Products insights section
Best & least sellers
During your sales period, the Best & least sellers report will give you a quick analysis on what are the current top 10 best-selling or least-selling products at the moment. It will allow you to make quicker decisions on which style you should either push or cancel.
By default the report shows you the overall products' quantities including all variants. If you wish to go to deeper in the analysis to know which variant or fabric is a best or least seller, you might click on Variants or Fabrics under Best & least sellers.
Please note that this report only includes ordered sized quantities, bulk quantities are not included.
To access the Best & least sellers report, follow the instructions below:
- Navigate to the Reports menu > Sales reports
- Navigate to the Sales insights tab
- Click on Best & least sellers under the Product insights section
Non sellers
During your sales period, the Non sellers report will give you a quick analysis on what are the products that are currently not selling. You will be able to see if numbers of orders the product has been added to as well. It will help you to decide quickly if you should cancel these styles.
By default the report shows you the products that are not selling including all its variants. To know which specific variant or fabric is not selling, you might click on Variants or Fabric under Non sellers.
Please note that this report only includes ordered sized quantities, bulk quantities are not included.
To access the Non sellers report, follow the instructions below:
- Navigate to the Reports menu > Sales reports
- Navigate to the Sales insights tab
- Click on Non sellers under the Product insights section
During your sales period, the Sellers report will give you a quick analysis on what are the products that are currently selling. You will be able to see the overall numbers of orders, quantities and customers linked to each product.
By default the report shows you the overall products' quantities including all variants. To know how a specific variant or fabric is selling, you might click on Variants or Fabrics under Sellers.
Please note that this report only includes ordered sized quantities, bulk quantities are not included.
To access the Sellers report, follow the instructions below:
- Navigate to the Reports menu > Sales reports
- Navigate to the Sales insights tab
- Click on Sellers under the Product insights section
Please note that the Sellers report is also accessible through your Collections > Collections/Sales catalogs menu.
Assortment adoption
The Assortment adoption report shows percentage of ordered products in each category of a specific collection. Its formula is "Total number of products with a least one order / Total number of products in category". This will help your product/design team understand which products' category was the most liked and if the collection's categories were cohesive.
You may access to the fabrics adoption analysis by clicking on Fabrics under Assortment adoption. This will help your product/design team understand which fabric/color was liked or not.
The Fixed bar gives you a quick overview on how a specific category was adopted without comparing the sizes of each category. The Relative bar gives you a comparison between the categories by including the size of each category.
To access the Assortment adoption report, follow the instructions below:
- Navigate to the Reports menu > Sales reports
- Navigate to the Sales insights tab
- Click on Assortment adoption under the Product insights section
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