The retailer’s page allows you to manage all the informations and settings of a specific client. When entering a retailer's page from the menu Customers > Retailers, you will find the following tabs : Overview, Settings, Addresses, Orders, Selections, Visits and Appointments.
- Overview
- Adding a new buyer
- Settings
- Addresses
- Adding a new delivery address
- Orders, Selections, Visits and Appointments
The first tab of your retailer's page gives you an overview of all the information that are completed, such as the main store address, its reference, its sales group, etc. You will also see at a glance the number of orders, selections and visits made by this retailer.
At the very bottom of this Overview tab, you will see all the buyers that are assigned to this retailer. You may click on the name or the email address of the buyer to enter his profile.
Adding a new buyer
To add a new buyer on the retailer profile, please click on ADD on the top right of the Buyers section.
Please note that a new buyer cannot access or modify the orders placed by another buyer in the same retailer profile. The orders are only visible by the buyer who placed the orders. If you wish to move the orders from an old buyer to a new buyer that belongs to the same retailer profile, please contact your account manager.
On this tab you will find different sections to qualify your retailer and also setup his access.
Reference : you can add here the reference of your retailer.
Sales group / Sales zone: you can update the retailer’s information regarding their sales zone or group such as department stores, agencies etc.
Contact type : qualify your retailer by using the following contact types: Customer, Retail, Press, Prospect, Contact, Former or Staff. This information can be used later as a filter on your Orders or Reports page.
Carried lines : you can assign your retailer to one or more lines of your showroom. Please read this article to know more about creating lines.
Access to showroom : you can setup here the level of access you want your retailer to have on your showroom. You can decide to totally block it from accessing, or setup its access on View only or View only (no prices). Please note that this setting is only available if you have a Le Privé package or a restricted showroom on Le New Black marketplace. Please contact your account manager if you need more information.
Description: This section allows you to talk about the positioning of the retailer and the brands that it carries.
Follow-up comments: Adding follow-up comments allows you to be up to date regarding the stage of the relationship you have with your retailer.
- Sales representative assignment : if you have at least one of your team member as a sales representative, you can use this scrolling menu to assign a dedicated sales rep to your retailer. This assignation will overrule the assignation per country. To know more about assigning a sales representative to your retailer, please read this article.
- Sales administrator assignment : if you have at least one of your team member as a sales administrator, you can use this scrolling menu to assign a dedicated sales admin to your retailer.
- Price list : if you have more than one pricelist created on your showroom, you can use this scrolling menu to assign a dedicated pricelist to your retailer. This assignation will overrule the assignation per country. To know more about assigning a pricelist to your retailer, please read this article.
- Shipping & Payment : you can add information that will be contained in the orders such as shipping terms, shipping mode, payment terms, discount rate, etc. The Shipping and Payment terms' fields will overrule the shipping and payments terms of the price list that will be displayed in the orders' sheets. To know more about a pricelists' terms, please read this article.
On this tab you will able to manage the main store address, the billing address as well as several delivery addresses for your retailer. If the billing and delivery addresses are left empty, the main store address will be shown in the orders.
If your showroom is available on Le New Black marketplace, please note that on the right side you will be able to see the default address information of the retailer linked to Le New Black marketplace. These might differ from the information you uploaded. These default information are not applied to your showroom if you unchecked the box "Use default".
As a brand, you cannot modify the default information from the marketplace, only the buyer himself or Le New Black team can modify these information.
Adding a new delivery address
Le New Black allows you to manage several delivery addresses on one retailer profile. It can be helpful when your retailer has several stores in different cities.
To create a delivery address, you may click on NEW ADDRESS, and complete the pop-in. Each delivery address needs to have a unique delivery reference.
Orders, Selections, Visits and Appointments
The 4 last tabs give you a detailed overview of all the orders, selections, visits and appointments made by your retailer. You will be able to find shortcut links in some tabs to see the details of a specific order, selection or appointment.
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