Option required: ApparelMagic connector
Allowed profile: Brand manager
The connector between ApparelMagic and Le New Black allows you to create and update your data in one click. Our ApparelMagic full package includes 6 flows: Products, Prices, Images, Retailers, Inventory and Orders.
To facilitate the integration, it's possible to set up a frequency to exchange the data automatically with no manual action required. Contact your account manager to set up the automatic trigger. You still have the possibility to execute one of these tasks manually whenever you want.
- Things to know before importing your products and retaillers
- How to execute the data import from ApparelMagic
- How to import images from ApparelMagic
- How to export the orders from Le New Black
- Why I cannot export some orders?
Things to know before importing your products and retailers
1. Retailer reference
The retailer’s reference is required when exporting the orders. Make sure to add the retailer reference on ApparelMagic and import it through the retailers flow.
2. Flows
Once the connector is set up on your showroom, you may find the flows in Integration center under Tasks section.
How to execute the data import from ApparelMagic
Enter each data import task to run the import. The order of the data import will be:
1. Products
2. Prices
3. Retailers
4. Inventory (if needed)
To execute the products import, click on Products import from Apparel Magic under Tasks section in Integration center. To begin the import, click on « RUN PRODUCTS IMPORT FROM APPAREL MAGIC NOW ». You may see in the grey box the logs explaining if all the products were imported successfully or if there is any error. Under Latest executions section, you may click on view log response of each import to review the details. You may follow the same process for other imports.
How to import images from ApparelMagic
To import images from ApparelMagic, you may first go on ApparelMagic to your product page. Click on the Images tab then on the +New at the bottom to add images to each colorway of your product.
Once it's done, you may go to Le New Black and go to the settings wheel > Integration center > Tasks > Images import from Apparel Magic. The first step is to click on « RUN IMAGES IMPORT FROM APPAREL MAGIC NOW ». You may see in the grey box the logs explaining if all the images were imported successfully or if there is any error. Under Latest executions section, you may click on view log response of each import to review the details.
After you run this task, you may go back to the Integration center > Imports column > Images > Product images from URLs. All your images URLs from ApparelMagic will appear in the grey box, click on NEXT to check if each image is correctly linked to your product on Le New Black then confirm the integration by clicking on NEXT again.
How to export the orders from Le New Black to ApparelMagic
Important notice: Please note that by default, orders must be in Invoicing status to be exported to an external system however during the onboarding, the brand can decide to change the export status to export orders in Confirmed status only. If you did this, you may read first this article on how to confirm an order then read this section. If you did not change this export status, please read the article below.
Firstly, to export your orders to ApparelMagic, the orders must be in the Invoicing status. To change the status of one order, go to the menu Sales > Orders, click on the PO number then click on Invoicing and Save and close.
If you want to change the status of several orders in bulk, click on the Confirmed tab. Select all orders by clicking on Select button or select the desired orders manually. Click on the grey button above “---" and then Set status to Processing.
Export the orders
Once your orders are in the correct status and ready to be exported, go to the setting wheel > Integration Center > Tasks > Orders exports to Apparel Magic. To export all the orders, click on « RUN ORDERS EXPORT TO APPAREL MAGIC NOW ».
When the task is executed successfully, the integration status in orders will show Successfully sent instead of Pending and the order status will be changed to Closed automatically.
Why I cannot export some orders ?
The common error when orders cannot be exported is that the reference is missing on the retailer profile. You may enter the retailer profile to add the missing information on Le New Black and ApparelMagic.
Afterwards, you have to change the Integration status of your order because when there is an error in the orders export, Le New Black will automatically block the order. To change the Integration status, go back to your order and the Integration section under the Summary. Here you may change the integration status from Blocked to Pending then click on Save and close.
Once it’s done you may run the task manually as shown above in How to export the orders from Le New Black to ApparelMagic.
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