New features
- [catalog] Increase sizing limit to 50 sizes (previously 30)
- [wholesale-v2-api] Add new sales_catalogs endpoint
- [wholesale-v2-api] Update collections endpoint to add status and season filters
- [wholesale-v2-api] Update products endpoint response to add popin-url field
- [wholesale-v2-api] Update orders endpoint response to add inventory-type field
- [connectors] New connector for Shopify: stock import by EAN13
- [connectors] ExactOnline: new tax and discount fields in orders export
- [exports] Fixed issue where file extension is missing when exporting sales reports
- [orders] Fixed issue where fabric swatch is not displayed in the order sheet
- [message] Fixed issue where message sender is not displayed
- [account] Fixed issue where sales territory world map is not properly displayed in member settings
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